Saturday, September 1, 2012

Assignment Number Six

For this weeks assignment it was hard for me to make the time for it because everyone was leaving for college and I was nervous to spend time doing homework instead of being with my friends for our last days of summer. But then I realized what we were studying.


Choice 2: John 14:15–17, 26–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–8, 13–14. The Savior’s Instructions about the Holy Ghost

  1. As you study the following verses, make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
    • John 14:15–17
    • John 14:26–27
    • John 15:26–27
    • John 16:7–8
    • John 16:13–14
The Lord taught us that he never leaves us alone. We will always have the spirit with us to help us through everything. Even though the world might not see the spirit, we can always feel it and know when the spirit is trying to help us. He will comfort us and will guide us. The spirit will witness unto you and help you grow a testimony. The spirit will give you the courage to take a stand and the peace to endue difficult times. He will bear witness of the truth of the Lord’s words. However, the comforter will not be present if you are places where you shouldn’t be. He only dwells in holy places. We have to be sure if we want the Holy Ghost to help us we have to do our part by being in the places and doing the things that bring the spirit into our lives.
  1. Add to your list above as you study the following resources:
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “The Holy Ghost Brings Man to His Fullest Potential” (p. 168)
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “As a Messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members” (p. 168)
    • Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost” (p. 704)
It quickens all intelligence. It makes everything better. The spirit enlarges every feeling and emotions and adapts them by the gift of wisdom to their lawful use. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness cultivates and matures, and charity. It develops beauty in a person. It tends to health, vigor and animation and social feeling. It invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens and gives to the nerves. It heals the body. His mission is to instruct and enlighten those who keep the commandments. Quickens the minds of those who are living life wisely. He is a special witness and messenger of the Lord.
  1. Review your list of what the Holy Ghost does. Then write responses to the following tasks:
    • Describe how the Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior’s death and resurrection.
He helped them overcome it. He showed them the side of the life of Jesus that made sense. He helped them feel the savior even when he wasn’t present. He allowed their minds to be filled with the knowledge of the reason for the Lord’s sacrifice. He enlightened their minds and filled their hearts with love for the savior. He showed them what needed to be done to keep the lord’s mission going. He taught them what to say and how to bring the Lord’s love to all that would listen. He gave them courage and wisdom and he was there to comfort them through difficult times that arose.
    • Write a paragraph about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways you listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you.
The Holy Ghost has helped me so much in my life. I have never had a very traumatic experience where I have experienced something terrible and the Holy Ghost helped me. However, I know that he is always there. I can feel him guiding my decisions. I can hear him encouraging me to continue on. I can feel when he leaves and I feel weaker and more vulnerable. When I went up to school last year it was terrible. I had a boyfriend back home and a family that I loved so much and I knew nobody up at school. I was homesick and lonely and all I wanted was to be back home and not at school. I decided to pray for help that I might be able to see the good in the school and find a way to stick it out. As I prayed for help and lived in such a way that brought the spirit, I really felt my mood change. I saw the good things that I had. I met people who I know the spirit brought into my life. I felt my attitude changing. I was doing better in my classes because the spirit was with me. I know that if I had tried to do that on my own I never would have made it or I wouldn’t have been as happy as I turned out to be. The Holy Ghost really helped me in my time of need and it just goes to show that no matter how big or small your problems are or how insignificant you think your life is, the Holy Ghost will help you. He will do anything for you as long as you live your life as righteously as you can.
I have a huge testimony of the power of the spirit and I am so grateful the Lord send down someone who will always be there for me and will help me whenever I need it if I only listen. My life would not be the same with out the guiding hand of the Holy Ghost.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Assignment Number Five

This class is coming to end! It is unbelievable how fast everything is coming and going. It kind of reminds me of how fast this life comes and goes. We get so caught up in life and in the joys of day-to-day things that in the blink of an eye everything is over. Everything is done. It makes me realize how short of a time I have left to do everything that I want to do. Not only that but also to do everything that I need to do. The Lord has always said that time here is short. We never know when life will be taken away from us. Just the other night my best friend lost her dad. He was young. He had his whole life in front of him. A whole life that he thought he could use for changing or for fixing his mistakes. But now he is up in heaven realizing he has no time left. His life is flashing before his eyes and he is probably thinking and wishing he had done things differently. I don’t want to be like that. I want to end my life with no regrets. With nothing unfinished. With nothing undone. And the Lord has shown us so many ways that we can become who we want to be and do what we needs to do while we are on the earth and everything is written in the books that I have right in front of me.

         For this assignment I decided to do choice 1 for Unit two because it talks a lot of the parables and the meanings and lessons behind the parables that the Lord taught to the people.

Choice 1: Joseph Smith—Matthew. The Savior Taught About Future Events


  1. Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 contains questions that the Savior’s disciples asked Him. Verses 5–20 contain the answer the Savior gave to their first question regarding the destruction of the temple, and verses 21–55 contain His answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. Read Joseph Smith—Matthew. Then fill in the following chart. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur
There will be many deception and false sayings (verse 6)
betrayal and hatred and confusion (verse 7-10)
destruction will take place (verse 12)
many will try to teach falsehoods and many will fall away (verse 22)
wars and rumors of war (verse 23)
Famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places (verse 29)
hatred and anger (verse 30)
The gospel shall be preached to all nations (verse 31)
The powers of heaven shall cover the sun and the skies (verse 33)
The Lord will come down in all his glory (verse 36)

Promises to the Righteous
those who remain steadfast will make it through(verse 11)
Those who flee without turning back will be safe as long as they pray for help (verse 17)
Those who are the elect shall have shorter days of tribulation (verse 20)

those who over come this hatred shall be saved (verse 30)
those who treasure the gospel shall be taken up by angels as His elect (verse 37)
when they see the signs they will know and be ready (verse 39)
If we watch we will be ready for the Lord and will be blessed for it(verse 46-48)

  1. Study 1 Nephi 22:16–22; Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25. Then write a statement that would give hope to a person who worries about the Second Coming.
         The last days should not be a time for worrying or panicking if we are doing what is right. Those who are wicked will suffer in the end because they are not doing what the Lord has asked them to do. But if we make a valiant effort to be one of the many that are doing the Lord’s will, then the last days should not be looked at with fear, but with excitement. Because the faster the end comes, the faster we can leave this world of evil and hatred and pain, and enter with the elect into the kingdom of heaven. The Lord has to end this test somehow. We are all going to have to end up in the place where we deserve to be. The lord has told us what we need to do, he has given us the signs that we should watch for and he has given us the tools to achieve the blessings of the elect if we only listen and do what he asks. Its just like if our parents go away for the weekend and they say they will be back sometimes on Monday. If you are doing everything right, then whenever they come home, it will be nice to see them and the greeting will be pleasant and you can talk about how much you missed them and how much you wanted to see them and it will be a great reunion. However, if you have messed up the house or if you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing when they come home, the reunion isn’t going to be very pleasant and you are going to look back on the weekend and wish you had done things differently.
Life is just like that. we have to do what our father in heaven asks and then when the savior comes, it will be a joyous and wonderful occasion where we finally get to see our brother again.
I cant wait for that time. I know that there is so much that I need to work on and I have realized that now is the time to do what I need to do to be ready for the second coming. Our world is all about living now and asking for forgiveness later. So much is about living it up in our youth and becoming better in our adulthood. But this lesson has made me think about the fact that I might not have the chance to fix things in the future. I need to start now. right now. before its too late. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Assignment Number Four

So this week was pretty eventful. All my friends are leaving for school and I just feel so much pressure to make every second count because I knew that the end was coming. And I think that’s how I should feel all the time with the gospel. Ya know? Like making every second count because I know that these are the last days and the judgment day is coming. I need to study the scriptures, pray more and be a better person because that is how I want to end my test here on the earth. So I went into this week’s assignments ready to be edified and to learn whatever it was that the Lord wanted me to know.


Choice 2: Luke 16:1–12, 19–31; 17:11–19; 18:1–14. Parables and Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths

  1. Study the following parables and accounts along with the accompanying commentary from the institute student manual. Describe in writing what you feel is the major principle the Lord wants us to understand from each of the parables:
    • Luke 16:1–12, the parable of the unjust steward. “The Children of This World Are in Their Generation Wiser Than the Children of Light” (p. 124).
I think that the Lord is saying that you cant be good and do bad things at the same time. You are either good or you are bad. You are either on the Lord’s side or not. you cant think that if you only do a little bad, that it is ok because you are doing some good. You have to be one hundred percent committed to the Lord if you want to receive the blessings that follow.
    • Luke 16:19–31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. “What Do We Learn About the Spirit World from the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus?” (pp. 124–25).
The Lord is trying to say that just because we have good things in this life does not mean that we will automatically get the perfect after life. We have to try to try to have the good things in life like service or giving to others or being a good person. Those things will follow us in the after life. But He also says that even though we might not be the people we should be in the life, we will have the opportunity to change in the afterlife if we accept our problems and chose the Lord.
    • Luke 17:11–19, the ten lepers. “Why Were the Ten Lepers to Show Themselves to the Priests?” and “Were There Not Ten Cleansed?” (p. 130). See also the Bible Dictionary, “Leprosy” (p. 724).
We have to give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done for us. He died for us and gave his life so that we can be cleansed of our sins and return to life a perfect life for the eternities. We can be resurrected into a perfect state because of the perfect plan and sacrifices of our Lord and heavenly father. I think that sometimes we forget to be thankful or show our thanks by praying more, or by following his commandments to show our gratitude.
    • Luke 18:1–8, the parable of the unjust judge. “Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Unjust Judge?” (p. 131).
The Lord wanted to show us that he will always help us if we pray to him as often as we can and if we ask him for something, or we need something from him, he will help us if we show our diligence and show our hard work or our willingness to do our part so that the Lord can do His. I think that he wants us to have the faith to pray to him with the understanding that he can help us with any problems that we have if we just ask him.
    • Luke 18:9–14, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. “Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Pharisee and Publican?” (p. 131).
The Lord asks us to humble ourselves before the Lord and realize our flaws and our imperfections. We are natural man and we are so below the Lord and His greatness that we must remember that as we turn to him and pray to him or ask him for things. We may have nice things like the man and we may go through the actions of being good, but just because we have nice things or just because we do what we are suppose to, it doesn’t mean that we should become boastful and think that we are better then we are. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Assignment Number Three

In this weeks assignment we learned all about the miracles the Lord performed while he was on this earth. The scriptures talked about When the Lord fed thousands of people with only a few loaves of bread. It also talked about the Lord calming the seas and healing more people. This section of the scriptures just made me appreciate more the life of our savior and makes me want to be a better person for Him and so all of His work does not go to waste.

I decided to do choice 3 of Unit 2 because i am in love with children and i just think they are the greatest things in the whole world and i have always loved when they come up in the scriptures or when the Lord tells us to be more like the little children because i couldnt agree more and i can 100% relate to the loving tenderness He has for them.

Choice 3: Matthew 18:1–14. “Become as Little Children” 

  1. Review Matthew 18:3–4 and Doctrine and Covenants 78:17–18. Explain in writing the ways we are like little children. In these verses, how does the Lord say He will help us?
      Children are not perfect, however they have certain qualities that we must have in order to make it to the kingdom of heaven. They are more perfect then us because they have yet to be tainted by the world around them. There are many things about children that we can have if we make the effort. We can be like little children if we obtain the characteristics of children, humble, willingness to learn, meekness, ability to believe. We are just like these little children because we are suppose to learn from those around us. From the leaders of the church, from our parents or friends, from the presidency. We soak up all we can about the gospel and apply it to our lives just like a child would when learning the ways of life. We are also like little children because when we repent we are in a sense starting our lives over again, we are at the stage of childhood where we are creating ourselves. we are turning ourselves into the people we will be for the rest of our lives. 
      The Lord will help us be as little children because He will never leave anyone behind. He says that He will save that which was lost. He will not leave us on our own and although it may be hard for us to be like little children and to start over. believe me i have tried many times to change little things about myself and to become more humble and more christ like and it is really hard! But whenever i get on my hands and knees and ask Him to help me, i feel a little bit of the burden lifted off my shoulders. He is aware of our struggles. And He promises to never leave us behind. He will care for the one that is struggling just like a shepherd would save one lost sheep. He is always there for us. And i can testify that he is looking to guide us in the right direction if we just try our hardest. 

2.  Read Mosiah 3:19 and list the ways in which we are to become as little children
We must become like children by becoming
full of love
we must be willing to do what the Lord asks us to do just like we would listen to our parents when we were young
We must face the punishments of our actions
We must let go of the natural man and be like we were before the world tainted our views and our pure qualities. 
All of these things will help us become more like little children. The verse says that we must let go of the natural man because it is an enemy of God. Everything that we as adults think we need can be contrary to what the Lord knows we need. We need to trust in him and His guidance just like if we were children trusting in our parents and their wisdom.

I think that there is nothing on this earth more pure than a little child and i pray everyday that i can become more like them and draw myself closer to the savior as each day passes. I know that i have a lot of work to do. but i also know that the Lord will never give up on me or leave me behind. it is comforting to know that i am never alone and while i am on this journey to find myself, the Lord is also looking for me to show me who i am. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Assignment number Two

For this assignment I decided to do Number 3 in Unit 2.
This week we were suppose to study and ponder Matthew 5-13 Mark 2-5 and Luke 5-8

At first i was kinda freaking out. A lot of reading right? but the reading went by so fast because everything was a story or a parable of different things so it made my reading easy and i really feel like i learned a lot!
The first thing i had to do for this section was to write answers to the following questions:

o       Considering the parables of the treasure and the pearl of great price (see Matthew 13:44-46), what sacrifices would you be willing to make to obtain the treasure of the gospel? What sacrifices have you or those you know already made for the gospel?
       In this parable, it talks about how someone finds this amazing treasure, buries it in the field then goes and sells everything he has just to buy the field the treasure is buried in. And then it goes on to say a man finds a pearl, a sells everything he owns just to buy it. I would like to think that i would be willing to sacrifice what ever i had to for the gospel. we of course dont have to buy the gospel or anything but theres a lot that the gospel asks of us. I am not saying it isnt to much or that it isnt worth it, however, when outsiders look in on the commandments of an LDS church, they are shocked at how committed and valiant we are in the difficult commandments we are asked to follow. I think that when i read about what so many others have sacrificed for the gospel, that i should also be willing to sacrifice just as much. So many lives lost, so many faced prison or painful ridicule. So many sold everything they owned to build a temple. left their homes and friends and livelihood to move wherever the Lord commanded them. I want to say i would be just like them, but i am shameful to wonder if that would be true.

      Nowadays we experience different sacrifices. We must lose friends due to immoral conduct or differences in believes. We must sometimes miss out on worldly things like movies or songs or parties because they dont produce a wholesome atmosphere. And we pay our tithing every month. we might lose jobs because we cant work on sunday or not play sports so we can keep the sabbath day holy. My mom and dad have sacrificed so much for our gospel. they go without so they can pay their tithing. they have lost contact with family members because they cant understand the way we live. They sacrifice a lot of their time for their callings in the church. All these things are small and seem almost insignificant to the sacrifices made by so many, however, to me they are amazing for doing what they do and they are such strong example of what i want to do with my life. i want to live my life willing to make sacrifices without even second guessing anything. The things of the world are meaningless, our penniless when compared to the things of our heavenly father.

o       What does the net represent in the parable of the net cast into the sea? (See Matthew 13:47). What does it mean to be gathered into the net? What is represented by the action of gathering the good into vessels and casting the bad away? (See Matthew 13:48-50).
      The net in the parable cast into the sea represents the Kingdom of Heaven. And just like the net comes down into the water, the Kingdom of Heaven has been brought down to the earth (of course not literally, however it has been brought down-the truths of the kingdom of heaven- through the teachings of our prophets and through the life and teachings of Jesus Chirst.) and we have brought the true church unto the earth and we are gathering all that will come into the church. we want to teach them and prophecy unto them so they can join into the church. to be snatched up into the wonderful blessings of the gospel just like the fish are snatched up into the net. after the fishmen are done with the nets, it is brought back onto the shore and picked through to find the good fish and to cast out the bad fish. In the end, the savior and our heavenly father will also bring up all those that have been brought into the church, and those that have lived righteously- the good fish- will be kept and will live with our father in heaven and those that have not lives righteously- the bad fish- will be cast out. 
Parables are always so much fun. and sometimes they are hard to understand but once you understand them, they make so much sense. I hope that in the last days, when the savior brings up his net of fish, i am one of the fish that he looks at and decides it is good. what a wonderful and marvelous blessing it will be to be able to return to live with my father in heaven once again. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Assignment Number one

For my religion class, I have to do assignments about the scriptures that I have read this last week. one of the things our teacher is allowing us to do is share our lessons on a blog like this one in order to show him, as well as maybe others who read this exactly what we feel and think about the words that we read in our scriptures.  For this weeks assignment I decided to do


                                           Choice 9: John 3. We Must Be born Again
               1. What is the difference between  “seeing the Kingdom of God and “entering” into the kingdom of God?
At first I was really confused what the difference was but then I read the manual that was given to us by our instructor and it all made a little more sense.
                        Remember when you were little and you went to parades and stuff like that with lots of crowded people who were taller then you? And you couldn’t see anything so you asked your dad to pick you up and put you on his shoulders so you could see? That’s exactly like “seeing” the kingdom of God. The Holy Ghost comes to you and shows you the light. He helps you realize the truthfulness of the gospel so that you can build a testimony of the church.
            But to actually enter into the kingdom requires something different then just “seeing”. You can’t just stare at something, seeing it, and get inside. You actually have to move, walk or run or jump over whatever is keeping you from getting to that place. The same goes for getting into the kingdom. You have to implement all the commandments and teachings into your life, submerge yourself into the gospel and then you can “enter” into the kingdom. So first you “see” then you “enter”. You can “see” and not enter but you can never “enter” without fully “seeing” first.

2            2. What did Jesus Christ teach Nicodemus that he must do to enter the kingdom of God?
He must be baptized. It says, “…Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)
              3.  Read Moses 6:59 and list ways that baptism is a symbol of rebirth. Read Romans 6:4 and list how baptism can be a symbol of death.
Baptism is a symbol of rebirth because just like we were born into the world by blood, water and spirit we will also be reborn in the same way through baptism. We must submerge ourselves in water, Jesus had to give his blood for our sins to be washed away and we must change our ways and become new a clean spirits just like when we were born.
Baptism is a symbol of death because just like after we die we are buried in the ground, we are also buried in the water during baptism. And when we die, we are risen again, new and perfect to live again with our father in heaven. When we rise out of the waters, we are also new and clean and perfect spirits once again ready to live our lives in a way that bring us closer to our heavenly father.                                                                                 
The last thing i had to do was to review John John 3: 14-17 35-36 and tell who the Father loves, what he has done to show his love for his children and for Jesus Christ, what the purpose of the Savior was and what blessings will come to those that accept the son.

  4. What does it mean to be born of the spirit?
I think being born of the spirit means to have a change of heart. I think that the spirit testifies of the truthfulness of following the commandments and those that feel that and let the Holy Spirit influence their everyday decisions, they are slowly changed into a righteous saint. They are new and more perfect then before. They are in a sense a new person.
             5.  What natural element doe the Lord compare with the Sprit? Why is it an effective comparison?
He compares the spirit to the wind. I think that this is very effective because it is something everyone can relate to. It’s something that we all understand and can impart the attributes of wind to the Holy Spirit easily. The wind cannot be seen but we still know it is there because we can feel it. The spirit to cannot be seen however if we stop, we can feel it and sometimes, if we listen closely we can hear the wind blowing, just like we can hear the whispers of the spirit. 

          Our father in heaven loves each and everyone of us. I didnt need the scriptures to tell me that. I have known that from the time i was little until now. and i feel it everyday. But the thing that the scriptures said was that he gave us a way to return to him. and that was through his only begotten son. He knew that we were going to sin. that we would be too imperfect to return to live with him again. but he loves us so much, that he wanted to make sure that if we did our part, if we wanted to make it back, that he had a way prepared for us to do just that. He didnt send Jesus down to the earth to say "hey guys, this is what your doing wrong and you guys will never be as perfect as I am." but instead he came down as a teacher, mentor, and example of what we should all want to become more like. He came down to die for us so we could return to him. He gave his only begotten son, even Jesus Christ everything. He trusted him with all his spirit children on this earth to do what needed to be done so we could all return to him. He loved Jesus. And that is why he knew that he would be the perfect Savior of the world. selfless, giving and ever perfect. Jesus came down to this earth to save us all. He died on the cross so we could all be forgiven of our sins and he was resurrected so we too could be resurrected. everything he did was for us. was for me. His whole mission was to bring light to the world. to show us the way when all was dark. He brought the truth again to the earth and then he left us to keep the light burning. and if we did, he provided a way to live in the eternities with our father in heaven. All we have to do is accept his son. accept his teachings, and keep the light burning on the earth and inside our hearts. If we do that, if we follow His teachings, and do all that we can, our Father in heaven provided a way- the life of his only son- to allow us to return to live with him again. What a wonderful blessing it is to bave such a wonderful life to look forward to if we just remain steadfast in this short time ont his earth. Nothing really seems so significant when I look at how much i have to look forward to in the afterlife. No bad movie, no raging party, or inappropriate dress or that one bad boy seem to even compare in the slightest to the wonderful and magnificent happiness i can feel if i but accept the savior and follow his example. It wont be easy. but nothing in life ever is.


a Billion to One

Hi my name is Hannah Safford. I am new to the blogging world but i wanted to start one because i'm doing an online class for BYUI and thought this would be a fun way to share my views and my ideas and kinda show a little sneak peek into my life. I am a member of the LDS church. That makes me different then a lot of people. i dont drink, smoke, sleep around. i go to church every sunday and i say my prayers every night. The world says its all about the here and now. i say its all about the forevers and eternities. 
 But even though i am different, there are a lot of things we all have in common. We all have our beliefs. We all want to find love, happiness, and success, and we are all trying to find a way to make it through this massive world without losing ourselves.

One of the things that is most important to me in my life is my family and friends. They support me when i am struggling and help me find myself when i feel a little lost. My family is normal in most ways. i have two younger brothers, jack and cole. Both athletic. Both annoying yet utterly adorable. my older sister alex is married and happily starting her career as a teacher. she embodies everything i wish i was and all things perfect. My mom and dad are teenage sweethearts and to this day love each other like a Nicholas Sparks story book romance. 

My friends are probably my most favorite people in the whole world. we are funny and goofy and dont have to be doing anything at all to be having a blast. most of the time we are making memories i will cherish for the rest of my life. we are all about to leave for our second year of college. we all go different places so its a struggle to see each other while we are away. but if this summer shows anything, its that time and distance has nothing on a friendship as rare as ours. the only bummer is they are all non members so that makes things difficult and sometimes frustrating when they cant or sometimes dont want to understand my lifestyle or why i choose to live the way i do. And i cant say it never effects me when they do things that are against my standards. obviously it does. it makes me sad for them, sometimes i feel left out, and sometimes i just wish i could help them see my point of view without feeling like telling them what i feel would be as terrifying as standing naked in front of a crowd. But i think living like that, my standards always being questioned, my restraint to do wrong always being pushed to its limits, has only made me stronger. has made me a better member of the Lord's church.

I am nothing short of ordinary. But I think that what i have to say might mean something to someone. and if not to anyone, than at least writing down my thoughts is kind of like saying "hey guys Im here." you know? like maybe even if i am insignificant and totally unimportant among the billions of people on this little planet, the things i say will some how make me feel like i made a difference... or at least i tried.
My life is good. maybe even great.  And i have the Lord to thank for that. So as i study the scriptures, i want to make sure i do so in a way that shows Him how grateful i am for what He has given me. I am going to ponder and pray and try my best to not just read, but to understand. And i want to live what i read. really soak in like a giant sponge the words of those wiser and more noble  then i could ever hope to become.
So this is me, Hannah Safford. Living life, doing what i can, and trying not to lose myself in a sea of a billion people.